CAMTA Monthly Professional Programs
Contact: 2nd Vice President & Program Chair Terry Tennes, programs@camta.org
When: 2nd Friday of each month.
Where: This year our meetings will be held both in-person at PianoForte Studios, 1335 S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago, and on Zoom (current link is published in the Newsletter and on our Facebook page).
September, December, January, February and March will be on Zoom, and October, November, April, May, and June will be in-person.
9:00 a.m.: Pre-Program Topic
10:00 a.m.: CAMTA Business Meeting
11:00 a.m.: Professional Development Program (unless otherwise noted)
Click the + to expand any of the dates and read more about each program.
Helen Marlais
September 22, 2024: Workshop & Masterclass
September 23, 2024: Presentation at the NSMTA Monthly Meeting
9:00 a.m. Pre-meeting
ISMTA CAMTA AIM Program: "Introduction to AIM"
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
"Multi-Cultural Repertoire: Turnkey Solutions for Piano Teachers and Students"
Dr. Anne Marie Kuhny, Artistic Director and Piano Educator, DuPage Musical Arts Academy
10:45 a.m. Professional Development Program: (75 minutes)
“Roberta Savler Piano Contest Repertoire”
Svetlana Belsky
9:00 a.m. Pre-Program Topic:
ISMTA CAMTA AIM Program: AIM Theory Volunteers and Judges Meeting
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
PianoForte 20th Anniversary Presentation
Thomas Zoells
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
"Tech Talk”
Aspen Buckingham
9:00 a.m. Pre-Program Topic:
ISMTA CAMTA AIM Performance: Judges’ Meeting
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
“Teaching music theory, circle of fifths, notation and composition that engages the student to think creatively.”
Kasia Szczech-Dlugosz
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
“Preparing for Auditions”
Karen Szczech
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
“The Music of Betty Jackson King”
Arlene Sharp
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
“Finance 101 for Independent Teachers”
Ellena Chen
11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program:
Regina Harris Baiocchi